A financial new year checklist can help you avoid debt, save money, and prepare for years to come. Here, we’ll discuss some steps you can take to streamline your finances and make 2022 the best year yet for your bank account and your family’s future.
Category: Blog
What To Do When Someone Passes Away: A Financial Affairs Checklist
The days and weeks that follow the death of a loved one can be painful as you seek something to ease the pain and assuage the grief. To add to the stress, there are legal and financial tasks to handle, especially if the deceased is an immediate member of your family. A checklist can help […]
Summary of Market Performance: 3rd Quarter 2021 Ended September 30
This is a summary of the market performance for the 3rd quarter 2021 ending September 30th. U.S. Equity Investment Environment – 3rd quarter 2021 Mounting fears of inflation, an ongoing Congressional budget impasse, and anticipation of a reduction in the Fed liquidity provision all weighed on the stock market. Despite opening September with its 54th […]
The 2021 Guide to Government Resources for Special Needs
Do you have a disabled child or one with other special needs? Are you having trouble with the financial impact of caring for your special needs child? Or maybe you care for yourself or another adult with a disability? We have gathered government resources for special needs, including financial assistance, in this guide for 2021. […]
Grandparent 529 Plans Get a
Boost Under New FAFSA Rules
Current FAFSA Rules Under current rules, parent-owned 529 plans are listed on the FAFSA as a parent asset. Parent assets are counted at a rate of 5.64%, which means 5.64% of the value of the 529 account is deemed available to pay for college. Later, when distributions are made to pay college expenses, the funds […]