All of your life, everyone has advised you to save your money – as much as you possibly could! It started when you were little with just a piggy bank and some coins. Later, those savings became the source of your income during retirement with IRAs, 401(k)s, interest-bearing savings accounts, and stock market investments.  But […]

Is your elderly parent giving money away? Whether Facebook fraud, a scam, identity theft, gaslighting, or hacking into accounts, 9 out of 10 Americans have been victims in one way or another according to a survey conducted in 2019 by OnePoll. Your elderly parents and grandparents may not be able to recognize a scam. “Someone […]

These tax-efficient investing strategies will boost your returns. Why Tax-Efficient Investing Strategies Matter Let’s be honest, avoiding taxes on your investments isn’t the first goal of your portfolio. Your first goal is to maximize earnings. However, no good investment strategy is complete without an awareness of your potential tax burden.  In a nutshell: taxes reduce […]

Unpredictable market swings stressing you out? These three strategies for using options to hedge will minimize your downside risk while protecting your portfolio. Have you been anxious about your portfolio ever since the market became a COVID-19 rollercoaster? Despite the giant tumbles and record-lows of coronavirus investing, it’s crucial to stick to your financial plan […]