Event: Why You Should Open a 529 for Your Grandchild

Market Performance Summary 3

Join us on Friday, May 24, at 10:00am for an information session on 529 College Savings Plan. Ask all your questions and find out if now is the time to open one for your grandchild. 

What we will discuss about 529 plans:

  1. They can be used for K-12 education (up to $10,000 a year).
  2. They can be used for post-college education expenses, i.e. graduate school.
  3. Up to $10,000 can be used to repay outstanding student loans.
  4. Grandparent-owned plans no longer affect the FAFSA formula for expected family contributions.
  5. And best of all, $35,000 of unused funds can now be rolled over into a Roth IRA (certain rules apply)

We will be going over the changes that make these 529 College Saving plans even more attractive than they already were.  We would love to have you join us. Please RSVP to eakerblom@castlewm.com

Christina Worley

Christina Worley, CPA/PFS, CFA, CFP®

Christina Worley is the Founder and Managing Member of Castle Wealth Management. Under Mrs. Worley’s guidance since 1997, Castle Wealth Management has grown to become an established, fee-only fiduciary provider of wealth management services with more than $400 million of assets under management.

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