The holidays are a popular time for charitable donations. With so many charities to choose from, it's more important than ever to ensure that your donation is well spent. Here are six tips that can help you make smart and effective charitable donations. 1. Choose your charities wisely Choosing worthy organizations that support the causes […]
A recent survey of baby boomers (ages 53 to 69) found that just 24% were confident they would have enough money to last throughout retirement. Forty-five percent had no retirement savings at all, and of those who did have savings, 42% had saved less than $100,000.1 Your own savings may be on more solid ground, but […]
My husband and I will celebrate our 28th wedding anniversary on October 1. All and all, we’ve had a smooth marriage without too many bumps in the road. We’ve had the typical challenges with family, kids and careers, and what married woman can’t relate to Pink’s song True Love, but one of the things that […]
You’ve heard the old jokes “When is a door not a door?” … “When it’s ajar.” or “When is a car not a car?”… “When it turns into a driveway?” Well, I’ve got a new one for you: “When is $100,000 not $100,000?” The answer? “When it turns into a marital asset to be divided […]
During the early months following the 2008 stock market crash, talk shows were full of all kinds of conversations about how to cope with the crisis if you’d lost your job, had to foreclose on your house, found yourself unable to pay your credit card balances, etc. That was the first time I heard the […]
Here’s a confession: I hate to plan meals. I mean, I REALLY hate to plan meals. There, I said it. Planning meals for our family of five is the bane of my existence. Maybe I’m being too dramatic about this issue, but really. Why do I have to be the one person who’s responsible for […]

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